Gelado de suspiro com mirtilos e lemon curd
- 300ml de natas
- 325g de lemon curd
- 180g de mirtilos frescos
- 100g de suspiro
- Num recipiente, batam as natas até ficarem firmes. Juntem o lemon curd e os mirtilos, envolvendo-os nas natas. Finalmente, esmigalhem os suspiros e juntem-nos também, envolvendo tudo.
- Forrem uma forma de bolo inglês com película aderente, e deitem o preparado sobre a película. Levem ao congelador e, assim que estiver firme, cubram também o topo com película e deixem ficar de um dia para o outro.
- De preferência retirem do congelador uns minutos antes de servir. Retirem a película aderente, e sirvam em fatias.
Meringue, blueberries and lemon curd ice-cream
- 300ml double cream
- 325g lemon curd
- 180g blueberries
- 100g meringue nests (8 nests)
- Start by whipping the cream until it forms soft peaks. Add the lemon curd and the blueberries, folding them well. Finally, crush the meringue nests with your hands, folding them as well into the cream mixture.
- Line a loaf tin with cling film, so that it overhangs - leave enough film overhanging to be able to cover the top of the tin. Fill in the tin with the mixture and put in the freezer. As soon as it firms up, cover the top with the overhanging film and leave it overnight.
- Remove from the freezer some minutes before serving - serve cut in slices.
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